
I’m Swarnavo,

a computational scientist with research experience in systems biology, stochastic processes, information theory and network theory. Currently, I am a research faculty at the Georgetown Lombardi Comprehensive Cancer Center. My previous position was at the National Institute of Standards and Technology.

I am a member of the Cancer Prevention and Control Program at Georgetown. My research focuses on breast cancer survivorship using epidemiological simulations. I am determining the impact of breast cancer treatments on the occurrence of second cancers and competing mortality among breast cancer survivors.

At NIST I worked on constructing communication network models for biological pathways, elucidating the information gain through the central dogma of molecular biology, and assessing the sensitivity of cell viability assays to cell proliferation. In the past I have worked on the connection between information transfer and fitness for genetic sensors, and how phenotypes depend on the topology of large gene networks. Before switching to biology I used to work on computational biomaterials, where I developed reaction-diffusion modeling of polymer network growthCheck out more under research.

Academic background:

Ph.D. from Cornell University, 2013
Major: Civil & Environmental Engineering
Minor: Mathematics

B.Tech. from Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur, 2007
Major: Civil Engineering.

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